

#Click A WEDO Selfie

If you are a Woman with Disability or if you have a mother/sister/friend/daughter with a disability

#Click A WEDO Selfie - Upload your Selfie Here.

    *There are 300 million women with disabilities globally

    *They are three times less educated compared to men with disabilities

    *Highly underrepresented in decision making

    * Women have a greater predisposition to disability than men. Yet disability is missing in all gender budgets

    Our Vision

    Move women with disabilities from being invisible to Visible.

    • Click a WEDO Selfie is one such initiative  
    • Get women with disabilities together
    • Remove loneliness making them part of a global family
    • Showcase their Abilities

    The first booklet of women entrepreneurs with disabilities from India was just released in the Zero project conference at UN headquarters in Vienna.